
Monthly update?

I've been shamed into updating this thing again.

On the diet front, I'm doing quite well... better than I expected. Down to 201.5 as of yesterday's weigh-in. I still have a bit of a gut, though... I really need to start exercising better!

I'm trying to improve other areas of my life, as well. Getting out of massive debt is a big one. Not much to say on that - Using the debt snowball method (Google it, I'm too lazy to link right now), I'm trying to pay down my two credit cards, without charging more to them. A recent, unexpected and decent-sized raise should help matters there, but it'll still take some time.

Another area I've always been kind of slack is just organization in general. Putting things where they belong, keeping track of projects and to do lists - my desk always looks like a tornado recently swept through. I previously mentioned Lifehacker on this site, which has lots of good tips in that regard. One of the things they push is the Getting Things Done method created by David Allen. It's just a way of organizing projects and tasks so that you never have to keep track of things in your head, and you're always able to identify the "next task" in any situation or project. I'm reading the book now, and while it's geared towards Corporate Executive types, it is definitely applicable to my job and even my personal life. I'm currently using Remember The Milk, with a GTD-oriented list and tagging system, to keep track of work and home projects, and my mind is definitely clearer and more focused.

Diet, debt, organization... I seem to have found myself in a "life makeover" without really planning it. Maybe it's the new year, or turning 30. Mostly it's that I've been thinking of all these things for months, if not years. It feels really good to finally be DOing something about all of it, instead of just thinking about it. "Someday" has become "now". And I'm less stressed than ever because of it.