
Feed of the week

What websites/blogs do you visit every day? Or if you're so inclined, what feeds are in your RSS reader? (If you don't have one yet, I recommend BlogLines as a good start). In order to at least get something new up here on a regular basis, I present my feed of the week.

Lifehacker is a great site full of tips on how to make your life better. Focusing on the Getting Things Done method, but with regular tips on Ipods, Budgeting, Food, Windows and Mac software... basically any and every part of life. For you RSS feeders out there, you can grab the entire site, weekly "best of" posts, or specify one of the many, many topics covered on a daily basis. I highly recommend checking it out, they've changed my life multiple times over already.


Google Maps

I've been playing with the Google Maps API a bit. It was tough to get it working with Blogger - I tried three different "this is how to do it" pages before I found the one that worked. Ironically, the one that worked wasn't Blogger specific like the others... It's the Google Map Maker by Richard Stephenson.

Now that I (kind of) know what I'm doing, I'll definitely play around with this more. For one thing, I think I can get different maps working for specific posts pretty easily (well, relatively easily).

Anyway, scroll to the bottom of this blog to see what I have so far. And no, I'm not pointing directly at my house, just the general neighborhood. Although in Satellite or Hybrid mode, you can, as they say, "see my house from here".


Snakes on a Plane!!!

You know it. You love it. You've been waiting for it. Today's the day.

After: It was everything I hoped for. See it with friends, and leave your brain at the door... A good time will be had by all!


Beta Dilemma

Blogger Beta has some pretty nice features. Tags/labels are always nice, and the Layout editor is sweet. Unfortunately you can't yet edit the raw html to create your own CSS tags, which was one of the reasons I created this thing. Hopefully this feature is coming soon. In the meantime, I will continue to play around.


Here we go...

I mainly set this up so I can play around with web page layouts, CSS, javascript, etc. Exciting, I know. I will probably use it to post pictures and stories that my friends and family might be interested in. If you're not one of these, welcome! Enjoy the slight voyeuristic thrill of getting a peek into the mind of someone without much to say. Then leave me a comment.

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